Publications and contributions to international conferencesMini and micro hydro developments and prospects for electrification of remote locations in Tanzania, Hydro Africa 2003, International Conference on Hydropower Arusha, Tanzania, 17.–19. Nov. 2003. Options for small decentralised electrification (”off-grid”) on base of ´micro´ water power, Rural Electrification Symposium 2002, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Tell Shihab Watermills (Syria), International Molinology, Journal of The International Molinology Society (TIMS) No. 64, July 2002 Role of traditional water mills in the past and in the present restructuring process, CIGR International Conference Budapest 10–12 April 2000 Rational Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Agriculture. Hydraulic Energy, CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering, Volume V Energy and Biomass Engineering, 2.5, International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, USA. Electrification by decentralized Hydro Power Development – Water Mills in Remote Areas as Centres of Integrated Development, CIGR (The International Commission of Agricultural Engineering) IV, 19. Conference 25–29. September 1995, University Hohenheim. Wassermühlentechnik für die Landwirtschaft in Tansania „Der Aufbau des Mühlenbauerhandwerks mit Hilfe von GTZ und Misereor”, EXEMPLA ´97, Netzwerk – Entwicklungshilfe, Internationale Handwerksmesse, 1997 Bayerischer Handwerkstag e.V. München. New Solutions for Economic Retrofitting of Micro Hydro Power Generation Units in Existing Irrigation Weir Gates, 1st International Conference Renewable Energy-Small Hydro, 3-7-Feb. 1997 Hyderabad, India. Hydro hybrid system – Bio-diesel pilot and demonstration plant, Renewable Energy 1996, James x James, London. Coffee Pulping and Water Mills - Appropriate Technology in the production of quality coffee, gate questions – answers – information, D 13584 F No.2/1995 April-June, GATE Eschborn. Do Water Wheels have a Future? Hidroenergia 93, Munich, 4.-6 October 1993 und wassertriebwerk spezial 3/1995, Verlag Moritz Schäfer, Detmold. Water energy recovery from existing water supply systems with pumps as turbines (PAT), Small Hydro 1992, Fifth International Conference on Small Hydro, 2-6 November 1992, New Delhi, India. Pump drives with renewable energy sources; their specific requirements on pumps, Poster paper A 5-11, Pump Congress Karlsruhe ’92, 6.-8-Oktober 1992, Fachgemeinschaft Pumpen im VDMA, Frankfurt. Pumping in Small Water Supplies with Renewable Energy Power Sources with Focus on: Hydro-Power-Drive for Pumping, Poster Abstract No. 8, International Symposium on Development of Small Scale Water Resources in Rural Areas, 21-25 May 1990, Bangkok and Khon Kaen, Thailand. Moderne Energienutzung an einer historischen Wasserradanlage, das wassertriebwerk 9/1988, 37.Jahrgang, Verlag Moritz Schäfer, Detmold. Neue Perspektiven zur Nutzung kleiner und kleinster Wasserkräfte durch Pumpen in Turbinenbetrieb, Wasserwirtschaft 1/1985, 75. Jahrgang, Frankh’sche Verlagshandlung Stuttgart. |